Thursday, March 24, 2011

- what men wants?? -

had u heard about "What Woman Want" starring Mel Gibson? Yeah.. me 2... it about a guy has his life turned haywire when a fluke accident enables him to hear what women think. good rite..haha. hope me 2... but men also had some few things that they want..

1* MEN NEED APPRECIATION: Remember why you fell in love with your partner. Make a list of his top ten character traits that caused you to want to be with him in the first place. Make a conscious effort to appreciate and compliment him. Even simple domestic tasks, like picking up takeout and taking out the garbage can be appreciated.

2* MEN NEED RESPECT: The two worst enemies of respect are criticism and judgment. This includes making him wrong or scolding him like a child. Above all else never berate him in public or you will lose him for good. It is imperative that a woman create a safe nonjudgmental space for her significant other or a man will shut down emotionally and sexually.

3* MEN HATE COMPLAINTS: The words “you” and “why” will send your guy into defense mode. Men are competitive by nature so he may fight with you when he feels challenged. Turn complaints into requests. Try starting with “I love it when you……” or “It makes me so happy when you……” This alone will cause him to sit up and take notice.

4* MEN FEEL EMOTIONALLY DISADVANTAGED: Research suggests emotions are overwhelming for men. They tend to operate off the logical side of the brain. So when faced with an emotionally charged woman a man will respond in anger 80% of the time. This coping mechanism is what he uses to attempt to gain control. A man cannot help but to be attracted to a woman who exercises emotional self control.

5* A MAN’S ATTENTION SPAN IS 2-3 MINUTES: Condense the story. Know yourself and how many words you need to speak, divide by four. That is about how many words he can physiologically handle, more than that and your message will be camouflaged. You may also set him up to fail and set yourself up for disappointment when he fails to recall your running commentary. Practice listening more, talking less. If he needs the juicy details, he will ask. Also, monopolizing all his time and energy could associate you with unpleasant feelings.

6* A MAN’S SCOREBOARD: The male neural circuit is wired with a scoreboard. They are competitive creatures by nature. There is only a win or a loss, nothing else matters. If you criticize him, it is an automatic loss. That is why he needs adventure and business and sports challenges. He needs to win. When he has not made you happy, that is a loss. And a loss is failing. Set him up to win and always reward his efforts.

7* A MAN’S MOST FEARED WEAPON: A woman’s angry tongue can be a man’s most destructive enemy. A deadly weapon as any guy will attest to. Make a conscious effort to reclaim that sweet, soft feminine voice you were born with. Nothing shuts down communication like a woman’s irritated tone or harsh criticism. Studies show the majority of men hear voice tone over words. Talk slower and softer and I guarantee he will react better. Instead of correcting your partner, positively impact your relationship with your speech. And lastly, do not underestimate the power of sultry, flirtatious suggestions. You will train him to respond eagerly to your voice.

thanx to Denise Wade, Ph.D.

where is Mrs.Right??

- stress? this what expert says -

Stress is a major problem for many people — a hectic, stressful job, a chaotic home life, bills to worry about, and bad habits such as unhealthy eating, drinking and smoking can lead to a mountain of stress.

If your life is full of stress like mine once was, there are some simple things you can do to get your life to a more manageable level.

Now, your life will probably never be stress-free — I don’t think that’s even desirable, even if it is possible, because stress is something that challenges us and helps us grow at a reasonable level. But when stress gets too high, it causes us to be unhappy and unhealthy.

1. One thing at a time. This is the simplest and best way to start reducing your stress, and you can start today. Right now. Focus as much as possible on doing one thing at a time. Clear your desk of distractions. Pick something to work on. Need to write a report? Do only that. Remove distractions such as phones and email notifications while you’re working on that report. If you’re going to do email, do only that. This takes practice, and you’ll get urges to do other things. Just keep practicing and you’ll get better at it.

2. Simplify your schedule. A hectic schedule is a major cause of high stress. Simplify by reducing the number of commitments in your life to just the essential ones. Learn to say no to the rest — and slowly get out of commitments that aren’t beneficial to you. Schedule only a few important things each day, and put space between them. Get out of meetings when they aren’t absolutely essential. Leave room for down time and fun.

3. Get moving. Do something each day to be active — walk, hike, play a sport, go for a run, do yoga. It doesn’t have to be grueling to reduce stress. Just move. Have fun doing it.

4. Develop one healthy habit this month. Other than getting active, improving your health overall will help with the stress. But do it one habit at a time. Eat fruits and veggies for snacks. Floss every day. Quit smoking. Cook something healthy for dinner. Drink water instead of soda. One habit at a time.

5. Do something calming. What do you enjoy that calms you down? For many people, it can be the “get moving” activity discussed above. But it could also be taking a nap, or a bath, or reading, or having sex (which can also be considered a “get moving” activity if you do it for longer than 5 minutes). Other people are calmed by housework or yard work. Some people like to meditate, or take a nature walk. Find your calming activity and try to do it each day.

6. Simplify your finances. Finances can be a drain on your energy and a major stressor. If that’s true with you, figure out ways to simplify things. Automate savings and bill payments and debt payments. Spend less by going shopping (at malls or online) much less. Find ways to have fun that don’t involve spending money.

7. Have a blast! Have fun each day, even if it’s just for a few minutes. I like to play with my kids — they take my mind off everything and are really hilarious. I also like to play sports (again, often with my kids). Board games are fun. Sex, again, can be a fun activity. Whatever you choose, be sure to laugh.

8. Get creative. Throwing yourself into a creative activity is another great way to de-stress and to prevent stress. I like writing, but others like to paint or play music or sketch or make pottery or do interior design or build things.

9. Declutter. This is a favorite of mine. I like to take 20-30 minutes and just go through a room, getting rid of stuff we don’t use or need anymore. I look around at anything that’s cluttering up a room, and get rid of it or find a better place for it. When I’m done, I have a nice, peaceful environment for work, play, and living. Do this a little at a time — it can be one of your “fun activities”.

10. Be early. I will admit that it’s hard to be early when you have to get 6 kids ready (seriously — try it!). But being late can be very stressful. Try to leave earlier by getting ready earlier, or by scheduling more space between events. Things always take longer than normal, so schedule some buffer time: extra time to get ready, to commute, to do errands before you need to be somewhere, to attend a meeting before another scheduled appointment. If you get somewhere early, it’s good to have some reading material.

adusshh....sakit kepala.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

- apsal lahh -

aku ni kdg2 cam setan gak perangai.....

n lari2 kt tgh2 MRR2 lah....

weh daos...ko ni kn....mkn trajang gak kdg2...

bodo mantol2....baghal xmenyedor.....

sial tol ko ni.......vavi ko tau x....

jadah tol...............

buat2 kalau ko nk tuhan cmpak ko trus g neraka jahannam

- jika aku.... -

from meet uncle hussain.....

Jika ku seorang pelukis
akan ku warnai dunia
denga warna putih
agar tiada gelap
lukisannya ow oh oh dan oh.......

jika eh...

mcm2 bnda aku nk wat..........

tp tunggu lah....

ak bkn pelukis....

so xleh nk mewarnai dunia ni...

ak radiographer...

leh amik x-ray jek..haha


bangang rasnya dah dok kt sungai buloh ni....

dah dua minggu dan akan dtg mggu dpn...haih...

weeekend ni...rasa mcm nk blik kg..

tp xtau lah....

tggu lah nnt....

hrap2 ak xperlu jd mcm ni nk pikir sape ak...

Monday, March 21, 2011

- my game, my way -

hola amigos...


ok..ak mlaaaaaas nk wat full report..

ok..sabtu haritu ( 19 Mac 2011 ) telah berlangsung kejohanan futsal piala radiologi anjuran jbtn pengimejan diagnostik hospital selayang. kejohanan berlangsung di The Challenger,Kepong..
sebanyak 23 team join dr serata negeri, jbtn x-ray ar kn.. specificnyer...
tujuan utama yela...nk menang.. dan yg lg pntg, mengeratkn hubungan antara sahabat,antara radiographer dan sesama umat.. ok mmg ada mulot2 manis berbicara ala2 nk kne tampar dgn slipar Nike ak tu,tp sume seems ok jek. xda gadoh2,xda bakar2 krusi,bakar bege ada, dan En.Bakar....
nk dijadikan cerita, event ni dijuarai oleh team HRPZ, Kota Bharu.. arakian berikut mereka telah beroleh kemenangan yg pertama!!!!
selepas kelantan menjuarai piala FA,mereka berkata piala ni adalah yg terbaik prnh dorg join, dan nk bwk piala g tunjuk dgn sultan..xtau la dpt cuti ke x kn...ikot dorg lahh..haha
tahniah.. ok team ak? no 3.. ok jek.. xpedehal.. adat la ada menang ada kalah. sume nk menang mcm israel lak kn...

pd ak,event ni bgs. bg kuar peloh sikit kt bapak2 yg dah 3 4 org anak tu...haha,bg jmpa kwn2 lama. yg jauh kasi rapat,yg rapat kta rapatkn lagi.haha

k k..makin melalot lak kn... ni ada sikit gmbr lah.. lain2 gmbr sila lihat di FLickr SaYA...

AJK dan pemain2 yg ada afta event.

berdiri dr kanan : azim,wan asri,zua
duduk dr kanan : azhar, ME!!

- which one should i tell ? -


helo mellow...

have done some new activities this last weekend..

have some though days...

yup...really2 though...

i'll show all the pics coz one picture can tell a millions stories...


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

- 10 way to feel good -

By Kathy Gates, Professional Life Coach

Use these 10 ideas to help you feel good about your life, starting today.

1. Never stop questioning. Every time you feel frustrated with a task, ask yourself, "How does this task fit in with my ultimate goals?" "How can I do this better, faster, easier, simpler, and even more fun?"

2. Don't give up on life. Be interested and curious about yourself and about others. Don't assume that's "just the way it is". Look for the choices behind your results.

3. Accept your weakness. Don't deceive yourself by thinking you're the only one with difficulties in their life. Everybody has them (yes, everybody!). Instead of spending your time and energy trying to "overcome" your weakness, make friends with it and make it work for you. Where would NYPost Columnist Liz Smith be without her "weakness" for gossip?

4. Don't stop learning. The brain is a muscle just like any other, and it will stagnate if you let it. Make it your rule to learn something new every day. Then USE what you learn to make your life better.

5. Expect nothing; expect the best. Paradox? No. It just means that you don't want to miss out on what's wonderful in your life right now, while you spend all your time peeking around the next corner.

6. Don't lie to yourself.. Telling lies to yourself is the most harmful form of disrespect. Write out ways in which you are untruthful to yourself, and how to correct it. "I will no longer pretend that overspending my budget is ok".

7. Nurture what you want to grow. Many many people are (figuratively) wondering where the roses are in their life, yet they spend all their time planting and nourishing weeds. You reap what you sow. That's just the way it is.

8. Don't live in the past. Let go of things that are draining you. There's nothing in the past that you can change or correct -- that can only be done in the present. Use Today. Today, change what you need to change, and move on to feeling good about your life.

9. Swim with the current. Don't waste your time complaining about what you can't control (weather, other people, economy). Concentrate on what you CAN control, like who you hug, what you read, how much you laugh, where you go, what you do, what you think about.

10. Stand like a Rock. You know what's right for you be willing to stand up for what's right for you.

r u hepi now??

- feel awful? try this -

If you did something that would be considered bad by objective moral and social standards and you feel bad about it, that's normal and to be expected. But, what is when, from other people's point of view, you have done just fine and you still feel bad? Others say, "That's what I would've done, if I was in your place," but you keep on feeling bad about it and deny yourself any justification or compassion. If you do this habitually, you are a likely candidate for depression.

What prevents us from feeling good? One of the major causes people stay depressed or frequently slip into depression is that they don't know how to stop feeling bad. Some people become good at "doing" depression. They spend a lot of time in self-destructive thoughts and feelings. They become experts at being depressed , but don't know how to do anything else. So they do little of anything else.

Depression may be a simple case of all addition and little subtraction. Depressive thoughts and negative feelings keep adding up over a period of time and nothing is subtracted from them because the depressed person does not entertain positive thoughts or happy experiences. These repetitive patterns prevent us from feeling good about ourselves. We prevent things from happening that could bring us satisfaction and happiness.

Chronic depression is not merely a "chemical imbalance," as some would like us to believe. This entirely chemical and narrow view of human emotions has done more harm than good. We should also note that a depressed person is neither "crazy" nor "weak." Depression is a set of negative habits, behaviors, thought processes, perceptions, assumptions, attitudes, faulty learning, and a lack of certain skills. A person who has had repeated episodes of depression needs to learn many new skills and not just make minor changes, but transform himself or herself as a person.

Depression is like heart disease, diabetes, arthritis or any other chronic physical illness in which medication alone is not enough. Informed heart, diabetes, and arthritic patients know that they have to change their diet, exercise, and avoid harmful habits and emotions. Similarly, informed depressive patients should know that in order to recover from depression they need to give up depressive habits and acquire skills that promote happiness and satisfaction.

Medication alone should not be tried for more than a couple of months. If depression persists, try medication and therapy, or therapy alone. If depression becomes a life-long condition, we should make a deliberate effort to change ourselves. We must make appropriate changes in our thoughts, feelings, behaviors, relationships, and in our ways of thinking about ourselves. We should know that merely cosmetic changes are not enough. We require transformation.

Unfortunately, therapy and medication often don't go far and deep enough these days. Managed care companies don't want to pay psychiatric physicians for more than fifteen minutes a visit, so all they can do is to listen to patients' complaints and hand out prescriptions. Likewise, these companies don't allow more than a few counseling sessions for non-physician counselors. In such limited contact, clients and therapists can only work on symptoms rather than on underlying causes.

Unfortunately, our awareness and understanding of chronic and recurrent depression is far from satisfactory. Drug companies, through their mighty machinery of advertisement, have sold us the idea of chemical imbalance. As a result, many view chemicals and emotions as one and the same thing. When they feel a little better with medication, they lose all motivation to work in therapy.

Feeling better is not enough. We need to remove that which stands between us and our happiness. We must identify the things that make us happy and do them. Without being critical of ourselves, we must learn to improve ourselves. When bad things happen to us, we need not feel that we are being punished. Likewise, when good things happen to bad people, we need not feel deprived. Instead of feeling guilty for past actions, we should take reformative actions.

Instead of dreading future, we should be proactive. We should recall past successes to recover our confidence. Instead of feeling like a failure, we should exploit what we are good at. We should ask for serenity to bear the things we can't change and courage to change the things we can and the wisdom to know the difference

by Vijai P. Sharma, Ph.D

find the thing that block u from ur happiness......

Sunday, March 13, 2011

- new leaf -

ai..lama xda kt cni..

ak rasa ak dah berubah..

tidak lagi mengejar bayang2 sendiri...

tau...kalau aku mengejar bayang2 sndiri lagi,aku kerugian masa...

banyak benda lain ak leh wat dgn masa ak tu...banyak sgt...

tp tu lah....dulu leka... sibuk carik bnda yg xda...

dah pergi tu biarlah pergi...

belajar melepaskannya pergi...

kalau dia dtg lagi,mmg dia utk aku...

kalau xda...bkn la tu...

bkn ak pegang jodoh tu....bkn aku tentukan jodoh ak...

mmg dah ada seseorang utk aku...

tp mgkn bkn dia...bkn...

chemistry dah ada,tp bkn...

so,hampir dua bulan ak hidup sndiri,dgn kwn2.,famly..

oh ya...futsal..

em..dah dekat..19hb ni....mggu ni last..utk training...

mcm2 ak blajar dah...

ak ok dari segi teknik dan skill..

at least basic ak ada la...advantage ak laju,ada skill,leh dribble...baguslah tu...

tp mslah ak ni...kdg2 emo terlajak...leh wat gado dak la....

bermain dgn emosi...penat kta azim...

main dgn tenang....mmg org ko wat bodo la...

kn pnt wat keje byk2..nk kontrol marah,nk fikir taktikal lg...

pnt weh....

org yg saiko tu lantakla....nnt pnt dia diam la...

xpn rembas sedas dua...senyap pstu.....

ak kena blajar kontrol marah,emosi aku....

bkn je dlm game bola..dlm kehidupan seharian...

ak dah buat...dah..berjaya.....

ak mmg leh kontrol....

ak perlukan motivator.....utk ak terus mcm tu....

dulu "si dia" la jd motivator ak..

dgn dia ak blajar than marah...ak bkn nk tipu la...ak blajar rasa jeles tu,mrah sume....

smpai dia pn pelik,ak xmarah ke...

ak marah. tp klu a mrah ape ak dpt??

ak dpt penat,then emosi terganggu....pastu nnt gadoh2... kn.??

so,ak dah wat..n ak perlu wat lg utk game nnt....

anger management.....

k la...

ak bosan ni..smbg men PS2...

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

- luka seribu rindu -


suke kan...jiwang2...

layan seh fotograf.. ( al-fatihah utk arwah Shamrin )

smbung blik..ok....

tibe2 lak kn tersuke lagu neh...

melalak je kt mana ada...

"api dah menjadi bara......"
"bara menjadi debu."

ala2 mcm nasi dah menjadi bubur lah...

so ape yg dah kau buat selalu akan ada akibatnya or dlm erti laen ada hasilnya..

dan bilamana dau dah buat mende tu,xde nyer leh patah balik...

terlajak perahu boleh di undur,terlajak kereta masuk gear reverse..

terlajak perbuatan,menyesal selamanya..

tp kalau yg kau buat tu bermanfaat pada kau.. it will be so good ....

so dah la..

ak pn xda nk ungkit2 sbb nnt lagi sakit ati..

rindu mmg ada..

syg pn sama..

tp pada apa? pada siapa? bila saja? dimana?

penuh persoalan dari jawapan..

so ak bukan dak2 SPM atau PMR nk jwb2 soklan tu...

pikir2 rasa dah nk sakit ubun2 kpala ni pikir..


"wat ape nk peduli org yg xpedulikan kau" - thanx to the person that quote this..

"bunga bkn sekuntum,kt Jln Chow Kit melambak2 aci india jual bunga tu,beli je la.." hahaha

"bila xcari,nnt dia mari" haha...

okeh..dah tu jek..

hangin aku...

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

- kreativitinisme -

1. Never Stop Thinking About Photos
Whether your camera is in hand or not conduct mental exercises to find subjects, mentally frame images and think through how you would capture the subject. Keeping photography constantly in mind is important in training yourself to think creatively. If your mind is primed for creative thought, creativity will have an easier time striking you.

aku : kalau dah kamera trgantung jek kt leheor,mesti dlm kepala otak pikir nk amik gambor jek.. xpayah gune viewfinder,ak gulung2 kertas wat teropong nengok keliling. jadi gak. org kata nk dptkan view dr perspektif kita sndri.

2. Embrace Your Mistakes & Chance
It’s OK for chance or mistakes to bring something new to your attention. Always take a second look at your mistakes and see if it presents something new to the scene that perhaps you hadn’t thought to try. Not every mistake is a creative epiphany, but you’ll never have one if you never look.

aku : sbb tu ak upload melambak2 kasi org kritik. ak xkesah. ak suka mcm tu. yg kritik tu lg lama kenal kamera dr ak. nama pn nk blajar. ko marah cikgu masuk neraka jahannam tau. lgpn,praktis make perfect kot. selain tu muhasabah diri, blajar dr kesilapan yg terbaiknyer... tq kepada yg meng'komen'... anda byk membantu...

3. Find inspiration
Whether viewing artwork at museums, in photo books or immersing yourself in nature, embrace the work of others including Mother Nature to help you see or think in new ways. When our minds are introduced to new techniques or ways of seeing our mindseye begins to expand its view fostering creative thought.

aku :mencari ilham kata org melayu.. time berak,pn leh dpt ilham. time tdo pn boleh.dr mimpi..haha.. yg logiknyer..korg ushar la hasil karya org jangan tiru. ia hanya utk mencetuskan idea korg jek. ak slalu tgok2 hasil org len.. comey2 dr ak. ak x anggap tu wat ak down,ia wat ak makin galak nk wat lg kreatif dr dorg.

4. Break the Rules
Rules are great as they provide a roadmap of how things can be done or explain why we find something visually appealing. Once you know or have mastered the rules its time to break them. Creativity knows no bounds. A great creative exercise is to intentionally break a rule to see how you can find a new way of viewing something in a manner that is otherwise “taboo”.

aku : bab "break the rule" mmg slalu.. rule kt sini maksdnya,rule dlm photography.. ada beberapa rule,atau peraturan cth mcm "rule of third" tu lah.. ak kdg2 xikot pn.. mana angle cun,ak kasi snap jek.

5. Have No Fear
Free yourself from the fear of what others might say if critical of your creative experiments. People by nature almost always have adverse reactions to new things particularly when they’re entrenched in thinking a more common practice is the “right way” or “norm”. Creativity is the antithesis of a “norm”. Creativity brings a new way to present and see things. Never let norms and the attachment others have to them sway you from your creative exploration of the world before you with your camera.

aku : pernah ak tgok org amik gmbr sarang burung,dia panjat n ikat bdan dia kt pokok.. giler... pd ak tu brani... yeah..ak dah wat tp bkn ikat bdn kt pokok la,ak redah jeram smata2 utk amik pic rama-rama kt atas batu.. serius cuak..arus deras,tkut kamera ak try.. big sacrifice for big satisfactions....

6. Extract Yourself
Remove yourself from familiar routine and locations. Taking time to be away from the things that normally fill your day is a great way to obtain freedom for your mind to wander. Distraction free time allows for new thoughts and ideas to surface and most importantly it allows you to shape them into actionable projects.

aku : xpernah2 merayau sorg2 mcm pelancong asing,aku g wat.. xpernah2 jelajah hutan2,ak g wat.. xpernah2 tunggu sunset,ak g wat, xpernah bgn pagi nk tggu sunrise,ak g wat... luar tabii kalau org kmpung kata..haha.. tp tu lah.. ape yg xslalu org tgok tu lah yg unik,lain dr yg lain..